[Decibel] Enabling decibel in kdesupport?

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Wed Nov 12 14:36:49 CET 2008

On Tuesday 11 November 2008 3:50:22 am Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> Hi,
> we've done several fixes to the build system of decibel now and had various  
> compile tests successfully finished. 
> Is there anything still on the todo list or are we ready to enable 
> telepathy-qt, tapioca-qt and decibel on kdesupport top level?
> I am planning to commit the change at 15:00 MEST.

The kdesupport schedule is really up to you.

Making code in KDE rely on stuff in kdesupport is decided by the KDE project.
Of course, there are many folks who regularly build kdesupport, so build breakage
in there will certainly cause lots of screaming and kicking :)

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