[Decibel] kdesupport/decibel

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 11 18:19:24 CET 2008

(Ok... I am, after all, setting ReplyTo for a reason. Please /don't/ CC 
me if you're replying to kde-buildsystem, I don't need the extra mail. 
Thanks! :-) )

Dominik Haumann wrote:
> iirc, KDE's preference is lowercase everywhere :-)

True. Given the number of CMakeLists.txt I'd have to change, though, I 
think I'd rather leave this to someone else to make that sort of change. 
(At least unless Tobias or Eva begs me otherwise :-).)

Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
When in doubt, give it a good swift kick.

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