[Decibel] kdesupport/decibel
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 10 22:34:47 CET 2008
Dominik Haumann wrote:
> On Monday 10 November 2008, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Dominik Haumann wrote:
>>> Please CC me, as I'm not subscribed to kde-buildsystem.
>> Likewise, I'm on kde-buildsystem but not decibel, please CC either me or
>> buildsystem.
>>> On Saturday 08 November 2008, Dominik Haumann wrote:
>>>> SVN commit 881692 by dhaumann:
>>>> fix building Decibel as submodule of kdesupport
>>> [...]
>> Hey, you fixed my RFE! (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169632)
>> Can I commit this small adjustment also?
>> Index: decibel/CMakeLists.txt
>> ===================================================================
>> --- decibel/CMakeLists.txt (revision 882361)
>> +++ decibel/CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
>> @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
>> cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
> I don't see a reason to not commit it, although not all modules in
> kdesupport do it:
> not setting it: akonadi decibel eigen2 kdewin32 kdewin-installer phonon qca strigi
> setting it: eigen qimageblitz soprano tapioca
I think I put it there due to something wiping out something else's
list, i.e. it was needed at some point, but at any rate it sure seems
like it should be done this way. Probably in the other modules you
mentioned, also, but for now I'm not going to worry those. However,
unless there is an objection, I'll include this when I do a commit.
>> Oh, and I have an outstanding note to use KDESupport_SOURCE_DIR in the
>> Find modules for FindTapioca and FindTelepathy... which I see is done
>> already in decibel but not tapioca; along with the above, okay to copy
>> FindTelepathyQt.cmake from decibel to tapioca, replacing the current
>> version?
> Tapioca is doing it differently right now (tapioca-qt/CMakeLists.txt):
> if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
> set(TELEPATHY_QT_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/include)
> set(TELEPATHY_QT_LIBRARIES QtTelepathyClient)
> else(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
> endif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
> message(FATAL_ERROR "Tapioca-Qt requires Qt4 with QtDBus module in order to built.")
> So this part is handeled in the CMakeLists.txt file atm, not consistent, but
> it works. If you want, you can fix it as you described, should work out of
> the bux. But please test :)
Hehe, and the code above came from me originally, when I didn't know
about the Find* doing it the other way. So if there are no other
objections, I will commit everything mentioned above plus this:
Index: tapioca-qt/CMakeLists.txt
--- tapioca-qt/CMakeLists.txt (revision 882361)
+++ tapioca-qt/CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
@@ -12,12 +12,7 @@
CACHE PATH "The subdirectory relative to the install prefix where
libraries will be installed (default is /lib${LIB_SUFFIX})" FORCE)
-if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
- set(TELEPATHY_QT_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/include)
- set(TELEPATHY_QT_LIBRARIES QtTelepathyClient)
-else(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
-endif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/telepathy-qt/)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Tapioca-Qt requires Qt4 with QtDBus module in
order to built.")
(...which basically reverts something I did earlier.)
Tested by doing a clean config+build in my (64-bit) environment with
building everything in kdesupport, also I don't see that there should be
a problem from the diffs... okay?
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