[Decibel] kdesupport/decibel
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 10 17:38:59 CET 2008
Dominik Haumann wrote:
> Please CC me, as I'm not subscribed to kde-buildsystem.
Likewise, I'm on kde-buildsystem but not decibel, please CC either me or
> On Saturday 08 November 2008, Dominik Haumann wrote:
>> SVN commit 881692 by dhaumann:
>> fix building Decibel as submodule of kdesupport
> [...]
Hey, you fixed my RFE! (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169632)
Can I commit this small adjustment also?
Index: decibel/CMakeLists.txt
--- decibel/CMakeLists.txt (revision 882361)
+++ decibel/CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
# Warning: We want the decibel daemon to be useable without KDE4
Oh, and I have an outstanding note to use KDESupport_SOURCE_DIR in the
Find modules for FindTapioca and FindTelepathy... which I see is done
already in decibel but not tapioca; along with the above, okay to copy
FindTelepathyQt.cmake from decibel to tapioca, replacing the current
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