Suggestions on Adding the Retweet Count and the Favorite Count of a Tweet.

Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil ahmedibrahimkhali at
Tue Jul 9 18:14:33 UTC 2013

Hi Mehrdad,

In case you haven't seen my review request (I don't know if you've seen it
or not but I thought to inform you inside the thread as its been 4 days and
I have received no response from you).


On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil <
ahmedibrahimkhali at> wrote:

> Hi Mehrdad,
> Okay I guess I'll take that one
> And after I finish it and there no one has volunteered  then I could take
> the Plasma Notification one.
> Cheers
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Mehrdad Momeny <mehrdad.momeny at>wrote:
>> Ahmed, Did you check these requests? and if you'd like to work on them?
>> *Feature request: Use Plasma notifications for "Better Notify" plugin*
>> Better notify is almost the last thing I worked on, some times ago, and
>> we don't have a official release with this plugin. For some reasons I
>> re-invented the wheel and created something to display posts as
>> notifications to user. but if would be perfect if we have support for
>> KNotifications, instead or just besides that way to show notifications.
>> the main purpose of this plugin is to let user select some timelines as
>> important ones (such as Reply) and then this plugin will show new arrival
>> posts in those timelines as a system/choqok notification!
>> *New lines in tweets aren't displayed*
>> It seems that twitter added support for new line char in tweets, it could
>> be useful if we support this in PostWidget as well. and even in
>> ComposerWidget (by Shift+Enter) to go to new line
>> Or anybody else would like to work on them?
>> Regards,
>> Mehrdad
>> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil <
>> ahmedibrahimkhali at> wrote:
>>> Hi Mehrdad,
>>> I didn't test it, because when I test via a browser it gives an error
>>> that Daniel Kreuter has spoken about (although I am authorized and
>>> authenticated on the browser)
>>> {"errors":[{"message":"Could not authenticate you","code":32}]}
>>> So I've been waiting for your confirmation first to start doing a Proof
>>> of Concept first.
>>> And about the bug that you expects, I've seen a famous client( HootSuite
>>> ) doing the same where it doesn't update the retweet count after creating
>>> the post widget and also doesn't tell the favorite count, I guess that is
>>> because no official way to retrieve it.
>>> Finally, What do I think ? IMHO adding just the retweet count as a
>>> plugin will be sufficient.
>>> If there are other things to implement please tell where I can find the
>>> requested features.
>>> Cheers
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