D29242: WIP: redesign sidebar

Daniel Eriksson noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat May 2 23:58:08 BST 2020

Imerion added a comment.

  In D29242#658883 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D29242#658883>, @boemann wrote:
  > Well you are definitely in the right class to make such changes.
  > The thing is the current  code was made to adopt to many different user wishes - so the user could choose
  > What you are doing is to throw all that away - would it be impossible to have this new way as a mode so we don't throw away the old but enhance it with something new.
  > I don't mind if the new mode becomes default
  I agree it's important to keep the ability to adapt to many users wishes. I recently started to use Calligra as i really like the current interface compared to many modern apps that try to hide things beneath more clicks and making them less discoverable, not to mention rely to much on simple iconography that becomes impossible to quickly pick out or memorize.
  Not saying there isn't room for improvements, and the third screen from manueljin in issue T12837 <https://phabricator.kde.org/T12837> looks nice in some ways, for example. The important thing I want to request is to not remove the drop-down menus and stuff them in a hamburger menu and to not remove the ability to have text under or next to icons. Text makes it very clear waht each action do and not only makes the program extremely easy to learn, it also makes it quicker to find the correct option, even for seasoned users like me. For some user groups, such as some people with aphasia, having text-based drop-down menus and text next to icons can mean the difference between being able to use an application at all or not. Long story short, please preserve the classic desktop design as an option. :) Not all software needs to be able to run on super-small screens and less is not equal to more when it comes to software design. Show - don't hide! ;)

  R8 Calligra


To: ognarb, boemann
Cc: Imerion, anthonyfieroni, boemann, Calligra-Devel-list, davidllewellynjones, dcaliste, ognarb, cochise, vandenoever
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