T12815: Create Calligra Framework by separating out applications and libraries

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Mar 13 13:12:30 GMT 2020

leinir created this task.
leinir added a project: Calligra: 3.0.

  As mentioned on https://phabricator.kde.org/D26050#583223 (and discussed in person with a number of people), the current monolithic state of the Calligra suite is less advantageous than it was back when it lived in subversion (where if you needed you could pick out bits you wanted to work on without grabbing the entire thing). That is to say, what used to be a positive thing, which lowered the barrier of entry to potential new contributors, has turned into something of a stumbling block, as we ask people to please clone this gigantic repository before they can really do much of anything. So, with that in mind...
  I would like to propose that we split out Calligra into several repositories, conceptually a set of framework repositories (for release along with KDE Frameworks), and a set of application repositories. As an initial suggestion, the list might look like so:
  Calligra Frameworks:
  - calligra-frameworks-base (what is currently in libs/ - possibly wants splitting further)
  - calligra-components (the Qt Quick components)
  - calligra-parts (the various KParts - this would be a fair bit of work, and might also want splitting out)
  - calligra-plugins (currently in plugins/)
  - calligra-extra-filters (currently in filters/)
  Calligra Suite (just in alphabetical order):
  - calligra-author (yeah, of course i have ulterior motives - i entirely intend to make the best creative writing on the planet out of this ;) )
  - calligra-braindump
  - calligra-gemini
  - calligra-karbon
  - calligra-sheets
  - calligra-stage
  - calligra-words
  - calligra-tools (commandline tools - one of many reasons having the widgetisms removed from the libraries would be good)
  Finally, it would be highly advantageous if, while this work is undertaken, we could remove all the widgetisms from the libraries
  This task would function as the nexus for the work, both discussion and tracking subtasks, and i would like to see us create these new repositories on Invent (to avoid a move later, and creating a clean break - that is, of course, unless the sysadmin team has reasons why that would be a bad idea)
  As a part of this, it might very well be useful for those of us intending to spend effort on this to all to be together somewhere at some point, for some high-intensity hacking. It feels to me as though this would be something where at least part of our handshake funds would be well spent (though perhaps that'd want to happen once things regarding the current world health situation have calmed down just a touch).
  I hope you like the idea - subscribe to this task, make all the words at eachother, and let's hammer out a plan, and then get it all sorted. We've got a little while until KF6, but if we can prepare beforehand... that seems like a worthy effort :)



To: leinir
Cc: Calligra-Devel-list, #calligra:_3.0, leinir, davidllewellynjones, dcaliste, ognarb, cochise, vandenoever
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