D20400: Karbon: Enable multi page capability

Dag Andersen noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Jun 5 09:36:50 BST 2019

danders added a comment.

  I have been pondering why we disagreed so much on the background color, and I *think* I have an answer.
  My take is it's because we have not been talking about quite the same thing:
  I have looked at karbon as an *odg* editor, since it uses odg as its native file format.
  Since odg is wysiwyg nothing outside the doc should in any way affect the way it is presented, hence a background that is not saved to file doesn't make sence.
  OTOH, if one looks at karbon as an *svg* editor, the current background color implementation makes much more sence,
  since svg is meant to be embedded in an environment outside of the svg doc itself like screen, html, odg, etc.
  This leads me to two possible paths to take:
  1. Karbon as odg editor means this patch goes in.
  2. Karbon as svg editor means swicth to svg as native format and add odg export/import.
  (One could of course also keep karbon as svg editor and add a calligradraw app, but well, probably a bit of work...)

  R8 Calligra


To: danders, anthonyfieroni
Cc: rjvbb, Calligra-Devel-list, dcaliste, cochise, vandenoever
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