support for other Apple iWorks documents (Pages, ...)?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Feb 1 20:19:46 GMT 2019

On Friday February 01 2019 12:01:08 Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:


>I doubt it due to scope of the challenge. It's not matter of just plugging
>the lib into Calligra filters.

Looking at how lean the Keynote import plugin seems to be I was hoping it would. But I also just discovered that plugin doesn't work with my .key files - after I managed to force-build Stage which was uneventful once I had figured out which file to hack (is there an official way to say "ignore there's no current maintainer, just build it"?)

>+ NIH. Sending ODF files to users of MSO is no longer a blocker, why it
>would be different with Apple users?

Not sure what you mean here; I'm looking for import of my .pages documents.
I don't remember if and how well my version(*) of Pages exports to ODF format, but it's export to .doc is ... perfectable. 

*) From iWorks 09. Old, but one of the best releases before they started stripping more advanced features that may or may not have been restored in later versions which won't run on my OS version.

I'll see if and how LO deals with those .pages files (pardon, directories :) ) of mine.


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