state of release and release plan

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Sep 20 00:33:12 BST 2016


Am Samstag, 2. Juli 2016, 08:17:40 CEST schrieb Camilla Boemann:

> I think it's time we get a release out. We are stuck with not much work
> going on so inspired by Dag's return let's do a push to get ready.
> I think we should cut down on the number of applications so we have
> something manageble left. It's tough but the alternative is that Calligra
> dies completely. And nothing prevents us from bringing apps back  later.
> So my question is: What is missing for us to have a release. I am not
> talking about all the nice to have features and bug fixes. I am asking what
> would create huge problems for our users if we release.
> Let's get things listed. I'll start:

> Karbon: let's exclude from first release

>From my testing it mainly works, so no real difference to Stage or Words IMHO
So I would vote for include. Perhaps mark as experimental.

> Flow: let's exclude from first release

Agreed. There would be also nothing to release :) Flow has not been ported 
even, as the plan of its maintainer was to make Flow another UI to the Karbon 
libs, optimized for Flow-specific use-cases. Just, has not happened yet.

> Braindump: let's drop it completely

It has been ported, build and works. Pity for the work done there. But agreed. 
No maintainer, no users known. Time tp git rm.

incomplete port to QtQuick2 -> not part of release, already marked as STAGING

Format Filters:
guess anything that builds is on similar state as with 2.9. At least all my 
test files still work.

Okular plugins:
depend on unreleased Okular/KF5, work with current devel branch.
so fine keep included in release builds.
Okular/KF5 might be finally in KA 16.12

Other extras:
thumbnail etc. also work, so no reason to exclude


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