kdiagram in calligra project component?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon Sep 5 01:47:12 BST 2016

Hi Jarosław,

Am Montag, 5. September 2016, 01:03:32 CEST schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
> Hi,
> Background: The kde:sysadmin/repo-metadata git repo now replaces the
> project.kde.org stuff.
> I am moving kdb, kreport and kproperty repo metadata to projects/calligra
> from playground/libs as I see them more fit to the new location and they
> are, well, developed within our master project Calligra anyway, regardless
> of repo fragmentation.
> That's not my play, the kde:releaseme tool which I'd be trying to use for
> preparing releases depends on the projects metadata so it's good to have
> the metadata as correct as possible.
> Now, that's mostly a question to Friedrich:
> There is projects/extragear/graphics/kdiagram. It describes "Powerful
> libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams". Do you think
> that kdiagram better fits to calligra/ and not so much to graphics/?
> ​KChart clearly implements office-oriented objects: data charts and Gantt
> charts.

For one, those paths in the repo hierachy are just legacy and long-term will 
be dropped, for a flat list of repos.

Then, that description is copied unchanged from marketing-buzzword loaded 
origin :)

I had put kdiagram into projects/extragear/graphics after discussion as 
diagrams can be used for lots of things. There is a (business) world outside 
offices :)
Current users known to me of either KChart or KGantt are Massif-Visualizer, 
something in KDEPIM, KMyMoney, Plan, a Calligra shape plugin and a KReport 
So KDiagram is a project shared by many KDE projects, nothing Calligra-centric 
there. So I do not see a reason to move this.

More, as long as that legacy adressing hierarchy of repos exists, I would 
rather recommend to move non-Calligra-only stuff like KDb, KReport & KProperty 
somewhere into the generic extragear namespace, as those libs target 
developers, unlike the "apps" which make up what currently is known as 
Calligra and what is about end user products. By being in the generic 
extragear namespace this might help stressing the libs general usability 
outside of the existing set of Calligra apps.

My 2 cents on that :)

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