[Sheets] Python Console Docker

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Thu Jan 21 08:59:12 GMT 2016

On 21 January 2016 at 05:44, David Narvaez <david.narvaez at computer.org>

> Hi,
> I was very excited to see there was a Python console docker in Sheets,
> only to find that it does not work. I tried to get it back in shape and I
> have a couple of patches, plus a couple of roadblocks that I would like to
> discuss in this list. For patches, is Review Board still the way to go as
> described in [0]? Also, is anybody else working on Python scripting in
> Sheets right now?

​Short answer, not many commits for that, even dedicated maintainer
probably welcome, no special interest resulting in real coding, and
especially, organized design.

Longer answer require showing more context.

​I can first mention atmosphere around Python and scripting in general
closer to the Kexi circles.​

​But I believe since the intent is to have consistent scripting in the
future, it somehow helps to see some relation to Sheets, being in the same
class of apps.

​As some people may know I like Python for its purposes. KDE even started
(in Calligra) projects such as Kross to support more languages honestly.
This support was were means for not too deep bindings, not
language-specific, rather calling methods of objects without much regard to
integration with data types or language specifics.

As a part of general 'cleanup' Kexi 3 removes Kross usage and moves towards
a single language-solution that happens to be JavaScript, using QtQml. The
main reason is that sandbox works there and not in Python.[1] By default
QtQml gives no tiny chance to access filesystem for example or run unwanted

There are no declared lovers of JavaScript among us, C++ hackers I think.
But the specifics of JavaScript is less of a problem than inherent
insecurity of Python's execution environment. Insecurity would manifest
once apps that use scripts get popular. The result I'd expect is very much
like perfect cross-platforms viruses.
This is possible if scripts are accessible with documents, which is
assumption of Kexi (files are meant to be user-defined apps) and in the
future, I believe, also Sheet's documents, if we want competitiveness.

For that matter, also ruby and bash and perl, would be all better rejected
for the same reason.
Sure, there were ideas of digital signing of scripts but 1. Even tech
people do not use that (and even for emails) in general, 2. Except for
Krita "official" builds we're not controlling the deployment process,
distros do that, and I imagine all sort of critical issues can sooner
happen e.g. because of mixes responsibility. It seems that distros are able
to act more "reactionary", not as  "owners" of the software as a product.
Which does not surprise me and there's nothing to criticize.
For Kexi <=2 (no matter what language is picked) scripting is marked as
having experimental status. I am not sure whether this is the case for
Sheets too but for Kexi there's because of such honest status we can assume
there's no disservice to users. With Kexi 3 we have ability to start fresh
and with knowledge/experience gathered in the past. Also about knowledge
about the user base.

For some other contexts the choice scripting can depend on external
requirements. Like "industry" standards -- for Krita Python is perceived as
some kind of standard for extending graphical features. Similar opinion
applies for Krita itself - generic calligra-wide scripting never have been
too actively maintained and was Kross is too simple, see [2]. For the
record, Krita has a proof-of-concept implementation of scripting in a
separate repo.

[1] Google for "Python sandbox" for detailed discussion from Python hackers
on why this is not possible and dropped idea.
[2] https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kimageshop/2014-June/012331.html

> Thanks.
> David E. Narvaez
> [0] https://community.kde.org/Calligra/Contributing_a_Patch
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regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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