Just building 2.9 against stable things on CI, anyone objects?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed Sep 9 18:10:36 BST 2015


when master became Qt5/KF5-based, I updated the kde-build-metadata to point to 
2.9 for both the stable and the latest branch for qt4-based stuff (metadata 
expects those 2 variants). Because this was the pattern with all other 
projects that no longer do feature development against qt4/kdelibs4.

Which also results in 2 builds now done for 2.9:
calligra calligra-2.9 stable-qt4, building against all stable variants of kde4 
calligra calligra-2.9 latest-qt4, building against all latest variants of kde4 

Which is a problem, because it keeps CI busy now for double the time on new 
commits to 2.9 (and also means duplicated notifications). Which in turn also 
means delayed feedback on commits to master branch, as Calligra got it's own 
separate build slave on CI, to avoid denial-of-service for the other projects.

I would propose to only keep the first build and drop the second, as it should 
not really make that much difference, given that most other qt4-based projects 
Calligra uses are not moving a lot anymore as well.

This is possible, because given no other project currently relies on 
Calligra('s libraries), there is no need to also provide a latest-qt4 version 
build on CI whose products then could be used for other latest-qt4 builds.

I would request that change upcoming Tuesday, Sep. 15th, unless somebody 
objects meanwhile and can tell an important reason to keep building both 
against stable-qt4 and latest-qt4 versions of other KDE project. Is there any 
external dependency from KDE which still changes a lot in the qt4 version?


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