Many questions for Stage

C. Boemann cbo at
Fri Oct 2 09:53:28 BST 2015

On Friday 02 October 2015 09:54:59 David Faure wrote:
> Here are some questions to ensure I won't change behavior that was there on
> purpose, or that I didn't miss something obvious:
> * Shape animations: Move up / Move down doesn't move the setting "start on
> mouse click / start after previous animation / start after next animation".
> Shouldn't it? I expected it to.
sounds like a bug imho

> * Color selection: there's no color picker and no way to just type a color
> name like #RRGGBB? Or did I miss it?
picker would be nice - but the #RRGGBB was left out intentionally as it 
clashes a bit with the coor independence idea - but thinking back it might 
make sense to assume sRGB profile for those values (however that does mean that 
not all values will produce a valid color and not all colors will have a name)

> * The "connect shapes" tool in Stage only works with paths that I had
> imported from an ooimpress presentation. More precisely, I'm surprised that
> the regular text boxes from Stage cannot be used with the "connect shapes"
> tool. Is this on purpose? Or could this be added?
I think this is because of the placeholde stuff stage puts outside it's 
textboxes so the connection tool misses that this is indeed a shape that can 
be connected to.

> * How do I insert an arrow between two text shapes then? I can do it in
> OOimpress. (I don't mean the right-pointing arrow that I can insert with
> Add Shape in stage, but rather diagonal lines with an arrow at the end).
Fixing above bug i would assume :)

> * Weird: after inserting such an arrow in OOImpress and opening the
> presentation in Stage, I can't set a shape animation on that arrow. I just
> can't select it, when in the animation tool.
probably because on load it some how doesn't get an animation id set (can't 
remember the real name but all shapes should get this assigned - connection 
shapes being a bit special might sneak out of this assignment )

> * When changing an image ("double click to choose image" or "Replace
> image..."), if the aspect ratio changes then the user has no way to make it
> correct again. Resizing will respect aspect ratio (I love that in general,
> but not when it's wrong to start with), and the Picture editing tool cannot
> change the size of the shape itself. What do you suggest would be the best
> GUI for allowing to set the image shape to the size of the underlying image
> data again? (In addition I suppose there should be a keyboard modifier for
> resizing without keeping aspect ratio, but that's not really what I needed,
> it would take some guessing to go back to the right size).
No answer but agree it needs a solution

> * I miss the "reopen on the page/slide where I was when closing the app"
> feature. I had code for that in KWord (and in the ODF specs) long ago... I
> can't really remember what it was though. Maybe something in meta.xml or
> so.
it's not in Words either, but the info is in the settings.xml iirc and yeah 
needs to be done

> * I miss "click on 4 text shapes and change the font for all of them". This
> worked in KOffice :-) (the Text editing tool only applies to one shape). Is
> there any way to make this happen again with the current design?
Not easily done and not something i'd like either - you only have one 
selection at a time and that is where the font color is applied. As much as I 
can see it is nice for a specific case in general i think it's too much of 
specialization that will cloud the general usage.

best regards

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