rng2cpp.cpp build fail with qt5.5

Treeve Jelbert treeve at scarlet.be
Thu May 28 10:31:37 BST 2015

fails with qt-5.5.0 + gcc-5.1.0
ok with qt-5.4.2 + gcc-5.1.0

FAILED: /var/lib/sorcery/build/c++   -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB 
-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -march=native
-mtune=native -m64 -pipe -O3 -Wno-deprecated-declarations  -std=c++0x 
-fno-exceptions -Wall -Wextra
  -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat-security -Wno-long-long 
-Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wnon-virt
ual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual -Werror=return-type  -march=bdver2 -msse2 
-msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -ms
se4.2 -msse4a -mavx -msse2avx -mxop -mfma4  -Wabi -fabi-version=0 
-ffp-contract=fast -O3 -DNDEBUG -
fPIE -Idevtools/rng2cpp 
/calligra/interfaces -I. -I/var/git/qt5/kde5-apps/calligra 
ersion -Ilibs/version -isystem /opt/qt5/include -isystem 
/opt/qt5/include/QtCore -isystem /opt/qt5/
mkspecs/linux-g++ -isystem /opt/qt5/include/QtXml    -Wno-deprecated 
-Wno-deprecated-declarations -
MMD -MT devtools/rng2cpp/CMakeFiles/rng2cpp.dir/rng2cpp.cpp.o -MF 
devtools/rng2cpp/CMakeFiles/rng2cpp.dir/rng2cpp.cpp.o.d -o 
devtools/rng2cpp/CMakeFiles/rng2cpp.dir/rng2cpp.cpp.o -c 
/var/git/qt5/kde5-apps/calligra/devtools/rng2cpp/rng2cpp.cpp: In 
function 'void merge(RNGItem*&, RN
GItem* const&)':
error: expected primary-express
ion before 'do'
      assert(a->allowedItems.contains(b), "");
error: expected ')' before 'do'
/var/git/qt5/kde5-apps/calligra/devtools/rng2cpp/rng2cpp.cpp: In 
function 'RNGItem* getDefines(QDom
Element, RNGItems&)':
error: expected primary-expres
sion before 'do'
              assert(!start, "Multiple start elements.");
error: expected ')' before 'do'
/var/git/qt5/kde5-apps/calligra/devtools/rng2cpp/rng2cpp.cpp: In 
function 'int reduce(RNGItems&)':
error: expected primary-expression before 'do'
                      assert(!user, "");
error: expected ')' before 'do'
/var/git/qt5/kde5-apps/calligra/devtools/rng2cpp/rng2cpp.cpp: In 
function 'RNGItem* getDefine(const QString&, const RNGItems&)':
error: expected primary-expression before 'do'
              assert(!item, "Doubly defined element " + name + ".");
error: expected ')' before 'do'
error: expected primary-expression before 'do'
      assert(item, "Define not found " + name);
error: expected ')' before 'do'

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