Proposal: standardized (subdir) names for 3rdparty/generated code

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Mar 5 16:16:58 GMT 2015


when looking through the complete repo for stuff that better is not touched by 
the planned automated astyle-based reformatting, two kinds of such files were 
* copies of external sources
* generated files

Could we standardize something about those files, so they can be better 
handled in anything automated (e.g. scripts, greps) or when trying to get a 
bigger picture of the code?

What about:
* putting everything that is basically a copy of code from other projects (and 
not forked besides minimal patches) in a subdir "3rdparty"
* putting everyhing that is committed generated code in a subdir "generated" 
(and only such code, not the manually written integrating one) 

The subdirs would be either local (makes sense e.g. for most generated stuff, 
no need to have this somewhere far away from usage) or global (like there is 
already with "/3rdparty", for stuff that is used by multiple places).

Would anybody think this is a bad idea? Ohter approaches for the problem?

If so, I would work on doing this for master tonight or tomorrow, before the 
port begins. Or would anybody think that should be done even on 2.9?


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