
Kamalpreet Grewal grewalkamal005 at
Sun Jan 25 18:14:10 GMT 2015

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:58 AM, Jaroslaw Staniek <staniek at> wrote:
> Hmm, a couple of questions. What's your OS? Please provide all details you can.
> The logs shows that's a non-windows, a non-X11 platform.
> Are these entire logs?

I have Linux Mint 17 on my HP laptop. I showed the CMakeError.log
file's contents and I have been scrutinizing the same. Is something
more to be inspected to get

> Do you have "kdelibs and kdelibs development files " as specified in
> the build instructions?

Yes I had kdelibs and kdelibs development files as instructed in the
build instructions.

> What was your cmake command exactly?

Following the command:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde4/inst $HOME/kde4/src/calligra \

I encountered errors, which were not clear to me though I inspected
the logs. Then I simply gave the command
cmake . /../home/kamal/kde4/build/calligra and I got the errors which
I have pasted in

I had a previous experience with cmake-gui. I identified I had few
missing packages including libkactivities-dev, freetds-dev and okular
as highlighted after I ran "Configure" in the cmake-gui. And as
mentioned in previous mail, an already installed package under the
phonon family also troubled me, though it was installed on my system.
So I re-installed it after removing it. Resolving this, after I ran
make command, I encountered an error "QGLWidget:No such file or
directory". So I installed libqt4-opengl-dev.

Maybe it is dependent on different operating systems, so I had to
install a few packages besides those mentioned in the instructions.
Finally, I have Calligra on my system. Played a little with Calligra
applications. :)

Kamalpreet Kaur Grewal

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