I'm back

Pierre pinaraf at pinaraf.info
Tue Jan 13 22:09:11 GMT 2015

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 12:41:06 PM Inge Wallin wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Some of you know already that I have been very sick but perhaps not everybody.
> However, I am much better now and recovery has gone so far that I feel that I
> can come back into the KDE and Calligra families again and be active. The
> most lasting difference between now and before is that I am ~20 kg lighter.
> :)
> I have actually not been totally cut off, I have followed a bit on the web and
> on mailing lists, but I have a pretty big backlog. I have started to cut that
> down but it will take some time before I'm fully done with it.
> In the mean time I have been able to do some trivial hacking and actually have
> a couple of branches on my hard drive. The question is whether it's too late
> to merge them now before the big port to Qt5 and KF5.
> So consider me back with a vengeance and I am starting to feel really well
> again. And I have missed KDE and Calligra a lot!
> 	-Inge

Welcome back Inge, and take care of yourself !
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