Calligra Gemini (and Author) on the website

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sat Feb 14 18:05:07 GMT 2015

Am Samstag, 14. Februar 2015, 17:49:19 schrieb Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen:
> Hello there!
>   Now that the release of 2.9 is drawing near, i am thinking it might be
> time to consider putting Calligra Gemini on the website. I would certainly
> do this myself, but i need a bit of help, and of course approval by
> everybody else to do so. So, how do we go about this? :)

Whatever is done, ideally the effort would also see to finally put Author on 
the website as well, given we release it as full application since 2 years. So 
any redesign might have both Author and Gemini in mind.

(And then there are also all that other things built from the Calligra 
codebase, like the Okular plugins, filemanager integration, converter etc., 
which ideally also would get some promo somewhere, instead of staying insider 
info... but nothing I have brain cells free to ponder about how that would be 
best done, just mentioning).


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