kexi.git almost ready

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at
Wed Dec 16 19:19:56 GMT 2015

Dear All!
I am almost ready with contents for kexi.git, split from calligra.git.
Please be informed that the split is a planed reorganization of the
structure of Calligra, not a split in the Calligra project.

This is a move like 4th other repos created out of calligra.git in the
past months: krita, kdb, kproperty, kreport.

My local kexi.git is currently only 48MiB total thanks to a git
cosmetic surgery like this [1].
Fresh one, with only master branch.

Of course the history of files is kept and is useful for development
but the first buildable revision will be the one equivalent to the
current 3.0 Alpha as you have it in calligra.git master. kexi.git
already exists physically but I've not pushed anything as I prefer to
have a relatively buildable version first.
You will find a temporary repo which can get rewritten at any time at [2].

The final repo will be accessible using the usual 'git clone kde:kexi' command.

Let's see if one week is enough to eventually have a working kde:kexi
repo. The change can happen on the BIC Monday, Dec 21st. Or another
Monday. Anyway, in one go kexi/ and other minor related subdirs will
disappear from calligra.git and kde:kexi will become official.
For building prior revisions of Kexi (<=2.9.x) we always use calligra.git.

Like Krita which also has a split repository, Kexi will sit as a
subproject under the Calligra parent project:

Have fun!

For those interested: 36 hours of computation in 3 stages. The SSD was
quite hot :) My fault, I should have used a ramdisk more. I shared a
few hints on the wiki above.

[2] Expect temporary repo here after I push before Friday 18th, now I
am cleaning it up (e.g. remove dos line endings)
so commit hooks allow me to push there:

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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