Why I love(d) Krita to be part of Calligra (was: Re: After 2.9.7)

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Aug 31 11:19:32 BST 2015

On Sunday 30 August 2015 17:30:22 Sven Langkamp wrote:
> We started out offering endless choise for the users and gave them
> everything. But at some point it became clear that in many cases it was
> just overkill. We spend a huge amout of time to fix things like bugs that
> showed up in Krita when a spreadsheet was insert. That's a feature that no
> user ever needed. So over time we dialed back the available shapes until we
> have only simple geometry, paths and text.
> The same happend with tools which felt often out of place and Krita, so we
> made tools that wrapped around flake tools. To this day users are confused
> by tools that don't behave like the rest of Krita.

To be honest, it was/is a problem for office application. The KOffice2 idea of one 
UI to fit them all, was a bad idea. We saw that in sheets that had a weird tool 
for editing cells, then words started to get a completely different UI. And I 
got unhappy with braindump because the tools didn't fit so well.

So in this end, a split between model and view in flake would be a good idea 
for office applications and krita. and would be needed for developing mobile UI. 
And would make it possible for me to provide the correct UI for braindump.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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