Increasing Calligra minimum CMake version required

Stefano Bonicatti smjert at
Sun Aug 16 15:30:31 BST 2015

Hello, would it be a big issue to increase the minimum CMake version
required from 2.8.0 to at least 2.8.12 or even 3.0?
We have a little issue in Krita where using
add_definitions(${KDE4_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS}) gives an error when compiling it
on Windows and VS2013.
The problem is that the compiler flags contained in that variable spills
into the rc compiler flags, and those are invalid for that compiler, so the
compilation fails.
Moreover add_definitions should be used only for defines not to add
compiling flags but add_compile_options should be used, which is though
available only from 2.8.12 and up.

As far as i know "all" maybe except CentOS, should have at least that
version (for instance Debian stable has 3.0.2 already).
The only real issue would be with packagers that want to compile latest
Krita in older distros (what i don't know though is if they already have
issues with other stuff, so that it's safe to update because no
"regression" can happen).

I won't lie to you, this issue can also be solved by just setting
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS but this is a bit a dirty way to do it and it might get
deprecated (shown by the fact that they're adding specific macros to add
flags etc).
Moreover do we really still have people testing the builds with CMake 2.8.0?
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