JJ: Add question to report exports

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Fri Mar 7 22:17:25 GMT 2014

Hi Vishwa,
I propose first job. Please tell if it fits.


You can add content to that page if you find it useful for documenting to task.

This is a small new feature, so it would go to the master git branch
of calligra, and eventually to Calligra 2.9.0.
Info on how to build, send a patch, etc. is linked at

In this thread I'll try to guide you through this first task.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra & KDE | http://calligra.org/kexi | http://kde.org
 Qt for Tizen | http://qt-project.org/wiki/Tizen
 Qt Certified Specialist | http://www.linkedin.com/in/jstaniek

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