linking error

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Mon Mar 3 14:51:35 GMT 2014

On 2014-03-02 23:15, Andrius da Costa Ribas wrote:
> I'd guess this would be something close to case 4
> of
> [7] but according to the cmake file -fPIC is actually being used. I
> don't have a linux setup but since -fPIC is ignored on Windows this
> may be the reason I didn't get this error on MinGW. Is there any
> specific reason libmso is static (while e.g. libmsooxml isn't)?
> dirty solution = using "if (MINGW)" for this specific part?

That said, I got report that it works on some linux distributions, so 
this might be one specification combination of gcc/ld/binutils.

That said, mso get linked in kw2 and then linked again in the plugin, 
and that is getting a bit ugly, and most likely calling for problems. So 
yes, it feels like there is three solutions:

1) quick and dirty with "if (MINGW)", but we may get the problem again 
later for other platforms
2) make libmso a shared library
3) compile kowv2 in the plugin and link libmso as static, but only once 
(there is no real point in having kowv2 a shared library, unless it is 
used in several places)

Cyrille Berger Skott

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