Unable to start with contribution

sparsh paliwal sparshpaliwal123 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 20 21:24:00 GMT 2014


I am contributing for the first time.I started with building the source
code and getting all the applications of the suite running,I was successful
for all(kexi,words,..etc)but not for krita I tried everything but the
executable file for it won't come.

1.I tried building it individually,still no executable file.(Searched
online for help)
2.Tried for help on IRC multiple time,no reply.

Problem is all junior jobs in calligra are provided for krita only and thus
I am stuck at start.
I would be glad to receive a suggestion to my problem or an alternate way
to start with contribution instead of junior jobs(like simply easy bugs or

Sparsh Paliwal
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