Review Request 117626: Implement the first version of a DOCX export filter

Inge Wallin inge at
Fri Apr 18 10:38:17 BST 2014

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(Updated April 18, 2014, 9:38 a.m.)

Review request for Calligra.


Found some issues and especially one big one: missing support for headings.  So changed the description for that.

Repository: calligra

Description (updated)

This patch implements the first simple version of a docx export filter. It has support for simple character formatting and paragraph formatting, including named styles. It can also distinguish between headers and normal paragraphs [This turned out not to be true when I look at the code in the RR now. But it will be before it's merged. We will concentrate on this now]. Other than that it's an unwritten page.  A special thanks to Lassi Nieminen who helped me with converting the styles.

The patch itself is very straightforward and mostly self contained in the filters/words/docx subdirectory. It builds on my previous work with libodfreader and libodf2, which are both in filters/. The only problem was that the KoZipStore and KoEncryptedStore backends create a file called "mimetype" automatically when a KoStore is created in write mode. I tried to work around this with as little impact as possible to the code in libs/odf and with full source compatibility with the previous API. If you think there is a better way to solve this problem than the one I implemented, then please tell me.


  CMakeLists.txt 78421c5 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyle.h 558ade9 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyle.cpp 2b4eb95 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyleManager.h 3761d38 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyleManager.cpp a7f18a2 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyleProperties.h 1bfbb5c 
  filters/libodf2/KoOdfStyleProperties.cpp 186e971 
  filters/libodfreader/OdtReader.h 64e0584 
  filters/libodfreader/OdtReader.cpp 6fa8ce6 
  filters/words/docx/CMakeLists.txt f38a2bb 
  filters/words/docx/export/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxExport.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxExport.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxFile.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxFile.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxStyleHelper.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxStyleHelper.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxStyleWriter.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/DocxStyleWriter.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/FileCollector.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/FileCollector.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdfReaderDocxContext.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdfReaderDocxContext.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdfTextReaderDocxBackend.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdfTextReaderDocxBackend.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdtReaderDocxBackend.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OdtReaderDocxBackend.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcContentTypes.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcContentTypes.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcRelSet.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcRelSet.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcRelSetManager.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/OpcRelSetManager.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/README PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/UnitConversions.h PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/UnitConversions.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  filters/words/docx/export/words_docx_export.desktop PRE-CREATION 
  libs/odf/KoDirectoryStore.h 19c059d 
  libs/odf/KoDirectoryStore.cpp c893d47 
  libs/odf/KoEncryptedStore.h 0edd892 
  libs/odf/KoEncryptedStore.cpp 315df1a 
  libs/odf/KoStore.h dadecd1 
  libs/odf/KoStore.cpp fd42378 
  libs/odf/KoStore_p.h 2e518c1 
  libs/odf/KoTarStore.h d99f09b 
  libs/odf/KoTarStore.cpp 6829f34 
  libs/odf/KoZipStore.h 90ffcb0 
  libs/odf/KoZipStore.cpp 4235134 



Testing with a number of odt files. Lassi did all the testing involving MS Office since I don't have that.


Inge Wallin

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