Reminder: date finding for Calligra Sprint 2014 in July or August ends this Sunday

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Apr 8 20:06:24 BST 2014


there will be a Calligra contributor sprint in July or August (as written 
before, the plan for May/June had to be cancelled). The sprint is basically 
about the port of Calligra to Qt5/KF5 and thus also QML and new (mobile) 
platforms. But also open for other Calligra topics that are important to the 
people who can make it to the sprint.

Please point your browser to the respective doodle, and tell when you could 
make it to a destination somewhere in Europe:

Fill in the doodle now, so we can be more sure about which date to look for 
with possible hosts.

Deadline: now Sunday, April 13th, somewhen in the Europe evening


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