Calligra sprint 2013: bugdet estimation needed, URGENTLY enter your data!

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sun Jan 13 14:04:11 GMT 2013


so to make the sprint (or rather the financial support by the e.V.) happen at 
all, we need to come up with a budget estimate as fast as possible, given that 
we should have handed that data in ideally before January 1st, as this sprint 
is in Q1. But the e.V.s board told me the sprint budget for Q1 is not yet 
closed, so there is still a chance.

So everyone who wants to be at the sprint:

	Go to the link above and enter your travel and accomodation cost estimates!

Let's try to have the data collected until latest next Wednesday's morning, 
Jan. 14th. So everyone please ping your fellows you know who also entered 
their name into the doodle for the date finding and have them add their line 
to the table!

Before you enter the data, also notice the section "3. Financial support" of 
the KDE Sprint Policy, , especially

"Our base line estimation is an average reimbursement of 250 EUR per 
participant and sprint."

So please also look around for additional sponsors (your 

Hopefully your data should be independent of the actual date which we will 
settle on. If not, please add such a note to your data.


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