Prediction based auto complete feature for Calligra Sheets

jigar raisinghani jigarraisinghani at
Sun Jan 6 20:22:42 GMT 2013

      I believe that a lot of time is wasted in re-entering same data in
Calligra Sheets if it has to be done multiple times. Eg. A name "Alex" is
to be entered 10 times in a Sheet, then we have to type it again and again
wherever needed. But supposing if Sheets can provide "auto complete" or
"prediction" based entering which would suggest the data already entered
based on the data entered earlier in the Sheet, it could save a lot of time
and make the task easy. (I am not sure if such a thing is supported by
Calligra Sheets presently).

The above i suppose can be achieved by maintaining a vector / list / array
of data(distinct) already entered and then performing a search & then
suggestion. And obviously a one click auto complete. Search can be
optimized based on size of vector/list/array.

Marijn, you could tell if it could be done in a better/other way?

I haven't looked at Kexi. Do they have something similar?

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Jigar Raisinghani
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