Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Wed Feb 27 23:05:10 GMT 2013


so macro_optional_add_subdirectory and the related cmake variables are 
currently conflicting with that productset system I am working on.

Looking at the old stuff I wonder how useful it is in such a big project, like 
Calligra now is. The BUILD_foo variables are generated from the foldername, 
prepending "BUILD_". So this breaks once different products are done from 
folders with the same name. Will happen e.g. with folders like "part", "app", 
"view", "core". Also folder names will not be as expressive as the product 
names need to be, like Jarosław mentioned in the original thread: 
"BUILD_variables" would need "VARIABLES" as product name, not very expressive.

So I would propose to drop any usage of macro_optional_add_subdirectory and do 
another system, based on the productset idea.

But I wonder if anyone might be relying on what 
macro_optional_add_subdirectory currently provides for Calligra. And thus 
would need some backward compatibility for now. Does anyone know?

Other comments regarding this wanted as well.


PS: The curious find the latest version of macro_optional_add_subdirectory 

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