RFC: Turning flag TINY into ACTIVEONLY, move Author to toplevel dir

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Tue Feb 19 21:19:20 GMT 2013

Am Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013, 22:07:46 schrieb Inge Wallin:
> Well... not really.  Since Plasma Active is a viewer only only the import
> filters make sense.  ...which suggests another build option: VIEWER.

But isn't the plan to make it also an editor in the end? If not, where is the 
difference to OkularActive or whatever other reader there is for PlasmaActive?

Sure, for now ACTIVE_ONLY would limit to import filters, given the needs.


PS: Reminds me that I some time before I got involved with Calligra proposed 
to move Okular into Calligra, given the overlapping ;)

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