RFC: Turning flag TINY into ACTIVEONLY, move Author to toplevel dir

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon Feb 18 22:31:20 GMT 2013

Am Montag, 18. Februar 2013, 10:17:35 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
> Hi Friedrich, thanks for the effort and explanation.
> Regarding the naming only: I think TINY is useful in general. It would
> be a starting point to alternative GUIs and apps that are not in the
> Active family but are have in certain aspects minimal or stipped-down
> functionality. So I'd like to effectively see general name (such as
> TINY) kept as it is.

What are you thinking exactly of? And we still could add that once those 
alternative GUIs and apps pop up, no? 

This sounds like preparing for hypothetical use cases, without concrete 
examples (and thus defined needs). But there are schools which teach to better 
avoid that, as it only adds unneeded complexity and will usually not be 
fitting stuff that actually pops up. And life showed at least me those schools 
are based on heuristics ;)


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