2.6.0 tag is set on...

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Mon Feb 4 15:14:55 GMT 2013

On Mon, 4 Feb 2013, Inge Wallin wrote:

> On Monday, February 04, 2013 10:00:05 Cyrille Berger wrote:
>> The conclusion on IRC was to reenable it for 2.6.1 (in two weeks).
> That sucks badly for Calligra Author since the only thing that we can actually
> say that we bring to the table is ebook export.

Yeah, well, I'm wondering whether it's actually useful to even include 
Author in a release right now. All it has are two export filters that are also in 
Words, and the ability to add a cover image -- does that warrant taking up 
space in the menu?

> The filter was arbitrarily disabled due to a crash, then *not* reenabled when
> the crash was fixed. The disabling was done by people who are not involved in
> Author and I'm pretty sure the same is true for the IRC discussion.

Well, the relevant bug isn't even closed yet: 
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314284 .

> What I am - actually - a little bitter about is that the filter was just
> disabled without any discussion with me the very day before the tagging.

However, the actual author of the filter was notified in the commit 
message, so that should be fine. For a release, everything that doesn't 
work correctly should be pruned out ruthlessly. The commit that fixed the 
crash could also have re-enabled it, no idea why that didn't happen.

It's part of being a maintainer, really: if something like this happens, 
you have to be on top of it. Fix the crash, re-enable the plugin and close 
the bug, it can all be done in one go.

> And
> now the IRC discussion, also without me, came to the conclusion that it's not
> so important and that it can just wait two weeks. If you ask me, it can't wait
> two weeks because half of the reason for Author 2.6 has just disappeared.
> Can we please reconsider this?

The thing was broken in a release candidate; if we'd re-enable it for the 
release, we'd have to properly do another release candidate and then the 
release would be postponed by two weeks, too.

I'm against it.


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