suffix and prefix in <number:number-style> and <number:text-style>

Sebastian Sauer mail at
Mon Aug 5 20:54:44 BST 2013

On 08/05/2013 07:25 PM, Elvis Stansvik wrote:
> 2013/8/5 Elvis Stansvik <elvstone at>
>> 2013/8/5 Jos van den Oever <jos.van.den.oever at>
>>> Look what I found in libs/odf/KoOdfNumberStyles.**cpp:
>>> ===
>>> //This is an extension of numeric style. For the moment we used namespace
>>> of
>>> //oasis format for specific calligra extension. Change it for the future.
>>> void addCalligraNumericStyleExtensi**on(KoXmlWriter &elementWriter,
>>> const QString &_suffix, const QString &_prefix)
>>> ===
>>> This function write tags <number:suffix> and <number:prefix> in the
>>> <number:number-style> elements and the <number:text-style> elements.
>>> It was introduced in 2005:
>>> ===
>>> commit 9964ed1963bbf629d0f6d54d83ab9f**1d423db3fc
>>> Author: Laurent Montel <montel at>
>>> Date:   Sun Feb 27 12:21:40 2005 +0000
>>>      Allow to store prefix/suffix into numeric style
>>>      (koffice extension)
>>> ===
>>> This feature is used in Sheets:
>>>   - create empty spreadsheet
>>>   - choose 'Cell Format ..." from the context menu of a cell
>>>   - write 'PREFIX' in the 'Prefix:' field
>>>   - write 'SUFFIX' in the 'Postfix:' field
>>>   - close the dialog
>>>   - The cell now contains this text: "PREFIX 0 SUFFIX"
>>>   - save the file
>>> Saving gives this ODF fragment:
>>>      <number:number-style style:name="N1">
>>>        <number:text>PREFIX</number:**text>
>>>        <number:number number:min-integer-digits="1"/**>
>>>        <number:text>SUFFIX</number:**text>
>>>        <number:suffix>SUFFIX</number:**suffix>
>>>        <number:prefix>PREFIX</number:**prefix>
>>>      </number:number-style>
>>> Opening it in LibreOffice shows: "PREFIX0SUFFIX" which is correct
>>> interpretation of the XML. Looking at the cell format dialog shows this
>>> formatting string:
>>>    "PREFIX"General"SUFFIX"
>>> Saving the spreadsheet again, gives this:
>>>      <number:number-style style:name="N120">
>>>        <number:text>PREFIX</number:**text>
>>>        <number:number number:min-integer-digits="1"/**>
>>>        <number:text>SUFFIX</number:**text>
>>>      </number:number-style>
>>> As expected, the non-standard, prefix and suffix are removed.
>>> Gnumeric can load the file too but does not show the prefix and suffix.
>>> Since the prefix and postfix behavior can be obtained with the
>>> <number:text/> element, I propose that Calligra removes the code for
>>> writing <text:suffix> and <text:prefix>.
>> Sounds right to me (if you mean not remove, but replace it with writing of
>> <number:text>), if they really are functionally equivalent.
In Jos example above they are already written. its just that we write 
them two times cause somebody forgot to remove the prefix/suffix 
tag-writing when adding the ODF code :)
> Though thinking a bit more; when loading <number:text/> back in, how do we
> know that this was specified as a prefix/suffix by the user (and this
> should be placed in the Prefix:/Suffix fields), and not as a general text
> component of the format? (just assuming you can do that as well).

That prefix/suffix thing is complete our own invention. I think its 
legacy from the old KSpread file format where KSpread didn't use 
formatting-masks like ODF uses and we just forgot to remove that code 
(and proper adjust the UI imho, but that's unrelated to the topic on hand).

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