
Inge Wallin inge at
Tue Nov 13 09:47:41 GMT 2012

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 04:46:27 Brylie Oxley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am studying Free/Open Source software for cartography and geographic
> information systems. I am documenting the tools that I find at
> I have been unable to find a robust tool that would perform advanced
> cartographic functions. As such, I am looking to the KDE developer
> community to find suggestions how I could merge data from tools such as
> Quantum GIS ( with the vector illustration capabilities
> from Calligra.
> What are some considerations and steps that I can take to bridge
> functionality in this much needed area?

Hi Brylie,

I am not 100% sure what you mean when you say "perform advance cartographic 
functions" or "merge data" from QGIS and vector illustrations.  Could you 
provide an example?

Something that you could find useful is the KML support in Marble. In the off 
chance that you don't what Marble is, here follows a quick explanation. Marble 
is the KDE virtual globe, a bit like Google earth. You can read more about it 

Marble is actually both an application and a library and there was some 
integration done between the Marble library and Calligra that allowed the 
Calligra users add map contents to their documents. I'm not sure which state 
this plugin is in or which capabilities it has though. If you are looking for 
something to use out of the box, then I'm afraid that's not going to help you. 
But if you are looking at a starting point for development then it should be a 
good fit for you.


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