"Uncompressed XML Files" format variants

Jos van den Oever jos.van.den.oever at kogmbh.com
Mon Nov 12 14:31:00 GMT 2012

On 11/12/2012 03:26 PM, Inge Wallin wrote:
> On Monday, November 12, 2012 15:22:01 Jos van den Oever wrote:
>> On 11/12/2012 01:34 AM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would propose to remove the option "Uncompressed XML Files" for non-
>>> developer buils, or positively said, only enable it for developer builds.
>>> Reasoning:
>>> * only confuses the user ("what is the difference to compressed?")
>>> * cannot be opened in other ODF programs
>>> * results in data without a mimetype, so badly shown in
>>> filemanagers/-dialogs * no/wrong thumbnails (for content.xml or
>>> directory)
>>> Anyone objecting to this? If not, I will finish/prepare a patch and
>>> upload for review which adds support for uncompressed/directory store
>>> formats only in developer-like builds. Such a build I assume if NDEBUG
>>> is _not_ set. Or any better idea what the condition should be?
>>> And while I twist around with that code I would like to change what
>>> filename is used as id for a document in uncompressed files format,
>>> which is currently "content.xml". But this id is also used in the window
>>> title and in the recent documents list so it makes life not easy if
>>> there is multiple times just "content.xml". I would change the code to
>>> use the name of the base dir instead.
>> LibreOffice support fodt (the whole contents in one xml file) and a
>> standardized way to store ODF in a flat XML file. Using that format
>> instead of the current uncompressed format seems like a good compromise
>> which will still allow people to store the files in a version control
>> system nicely.
> Didn't you say that there are features in odt that are not supported by fodt?
> I forgot the details but I think it would be good to have the info before we
> make the decision.

The mayor missing feature in the flat format is RDF, simply because 
including that has not been specified for 1.2. There is not much else 
that is not supported by the flat format. The flat format basically 
combines meta.xml, settings.xml, content.xml and styles.xml into one 
file. Obviously the files will be larger and bitmap images will be 
embedded as base64 which is not so pretty.


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