Position of text:p inside draw:custom-shape - validation issue

Thorsten Zachmann t.zachmann at zagge.de
Fri May 25 06:23:40 BST 2012

On Thursday 24 May 2012 17:01:47 matus.uzak at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following validation result.  Does the position of
> text:p inside draw:custom-shape really matters?  Seems there's a
> requirement it can not be the last child element.

Yes it matters for the schema to validate.

    <define name="draw-custom-shape">
        <element name="draw:custom-shape">
            <ref name="draw-custom-shape-attlist"/>
            <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
            <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
            <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
            <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
                <ref name="svg-title"/>
                <ref name="svg-desc"/>
                <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
                <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
            <ref name="draw-text"/>
                <ref name="draw-enhanced-geometry"/>

The text needs to come before the draw:enhanced-geometry.


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