Required attributes for text:numbered-paragraph

Gopalakrishna Bhat gopalakbhat at
Sat May 19 19:02:09 BST 2012


When trying to validate the document attached to , the schema validator
throws the following error

error: element "text:numbered-paragraph" missing required attributes
"text:continue-numbering" and "text:start-value"

The ODF spec says that text:continue-numbering attribute has been
depricated for text:numbered-paragraph. Shouldn't this attribute be
optional in the schema?

Also for text:start-value, I think this too should be optional, since
I might not want to give start value for each numbered paragraph.

BTW the related section in the schema says

				<attribute name="text:style-name">
					<ref name="styleNameRef"/>
				<attribute name="text:continue-numbering">
					<ref name="boolean"/>
				<attribute name="text:start-value">
					<ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>

OR Is this the problem with our validator then?

With regards,

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