text:outline-level must be larger than 0.

Jos van den Oever jos at vandenoever.info
Mon May 14 21:10:45 BST 2012

On Monday 14 May 2012 15:22:42 PM matus.uzak at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello again Jos,
> do you have any test files, where text:outline-level is set to zero?
> That means no paragraph styles to format TOC were found.  And I would
> like to fix that.
> -        cwriter->addAttribute("text:outline-level", levels);
> +        if (levels > 0) {
> +            cwriter->addAttribute("text:outline-level", levels);
> +        }

Same answer as for the font sizes. I did not keep track of the offending 
files, but will do so in the future.

The fastest way to find them is to run a version of calligraconverter that 
trips on this on the files from calligratests. Put an ::exit(17) in there and 
check for that exit code in a shell script that converts all mso files.


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