Kexi reports based on shapes, form letters, diagrams using data sources (was: Re: Review Request: New shape for 1-D and 2-D barcodes)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Mar 15 15:52:54 GMT 2012

Am Montag, 12. März 2012, 08:40:13 schrieb Adam Pigg:
> Kexi could do with an implementation of barcodes based on this, becuase the
> current version is hand-built, not using any library, and while it is
> assumed to work, its certainly not backed up with anything fully tested.

Hm, I still am surprised that the Kexi reports are not (yet?) also based on 
flake shapes. What is the reason for this? No one had time to start/do/finish 
work on that?

Could doing this perhaps be done together with implementing support for form 
letters? And as the same time as implementing support for assigning data(base) 
sources to diagrams, like database tables or sheet areas or rss feeds or other 
table like data sources (with a snapshot of the data for the case the source 
is not accessible)? At least I hope there is quite some code reuse possible 
here. Connecting to the bibliography data sources is another thing which could 
be aligned in this work. And text variables might be also extended to pull 
their data from other sources then the built-in.

I would be interested to do something here. Please tell me about any 
work/plans/experiments of yours here, otherwise I would simply start from the 
scratch on sketching how this could be done. Looking forward to meet up with 
others to discuss this then at Akademy or a Calligra sprint?

BTW: The rename of Calligra Tables to Calligra Sheets makes actually quite 
some sense to me, as I often had database tables in mind when reading the name 
Calligra Tables before ;)


PS: Yes, Inge, seems I now get sucked more and more into Calligra coding, but 
I still only do it to gather experiences for my Kasten framework ;) Next weeks 
are Okteta weeks...

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