Review Request: New shape for 1-D and 2-D barcodes

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Mar 12 15:20:55 GMT 2012

Hi Adam,

Am Montag, 12. März 2012, 08:40:13 schrieb Adam Pigg:
> Kexi could do with an implementation of barcodes based on this, becuase the
> current version is hand-built, not using any library, and while it is
> assumed to work, its certainly not backed up with anything fully tested.

Ah, had not discovered that before. Well, might be I did not even search :P

Now that I am in hacking mode for the barcode shape, what would be needed so 
kexi can make use of the shape as well?

In general, outside of Kexi there is no support for creating e.g. form 
letters, or is there, just not exposed in the UI? If there is, how could I 
support that in the shape, to have both the data to encode and the type of 
barcode be exposed to some script?


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