Announcement written, needs proof reading and screenshot

Inge Wallin inge at
Sat Jun 23 08:39:45 BST 2012

I have written the announcement of 2.5beta, but it still needs proofreading. 

It would also be good if somebody could add a screenshot of the new cell 
editor and cell tool in sheets and maybe also one of the new improved 
connectors. I have nice screenshots myself, but the hotel internet didn't 
allow me to upload them so I can't include them in the post.

The links are:

for previewing/proof reading and editing/fixing respectively.

I expect to be offline for most of the rest of the day since today is the 
wedding*, the actual reason why I travelled to the other side of the world 
just a couple of days before Akademy. So if somebody could proof read, fix 
typos, add 1-2 screenshots and then press "Publish" that would be awesome.


*No, not my own wedding.

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