features progress list

C. Boemann cbo at boemann.dk
Sun Jun 17 11:51:54 BST 2012


We have the http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Schedules/2.5/Feature_Plan

and Cyrille has suggested that we move to not have one page per version, but 
instead have an extra column for the targeted version.
His suggestion also has a column for showing a possible public branch.
Here is the link to show the idea (don't edit it yet)


Now while in theory I like it, I also dislike that the height of each entry 
thus will grow to more than one line of text.

When having features for all future versions and for all applications, then we 
have a very long list. And when many people don't seem to keep the list up to 
date we get a lot of cruft, with no regular releases to clean out. (eg look 
how the krita 2.5 list was not updated, since I copied it from the 2.4 list)

I fear this will be an unmaintained mess pretty quickly

And since I use it for Words, lib, plugins and the features I work on, I don't 
want to carry around a lot of cruft, making it hard to use this page in a fast 
efficient manner.

These are things we need to consider, and I hope we can reach a decision 
quickly, as the 2.6 cycle has already started

best regards

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