Initial work on a Karbon CDR import filter

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sat Jan 28 15:24:16 GMT 2012

Hi Thorsten,

Am Samstag, 28. Januar 2012, 05:03:23 schrieb Thorsten Zachmann:
> > Some questions:
> > Initially I tried to create directly a KarbonDocument object, not
> > another
> > SVG file. But then I found out that shapes like e.g. Rectangle and
> > Ellipsis are only provided by factories from plugins, so I cannot create
> > them directly from code, is that correct? Do I really have to instead
> > create a SVG file as output?
> The filters work mostly by converting one file format into a native file
> format of calligra. In case of Karbon native file formats are odg and svg.
> This has some benefits as it allows e.g. filter chaining. And that is the
> prefered way of implementing a filter.
> However it is also possible to do it differently but that means you need to
> link against the shapes code which is not nice.

And not possible here, as e.g. the API/symbols of the rectangle and ellipsis 
shapes are not exported from the plugin.

So SVG as the intermediate/abstract model is it for now, okay.


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