Review Request: Update block formats on paragraph style change

C. Boemann cbr at
Fri Feb 24 14:31:08 GMT 2012

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Ship it!

Ship It!

- C. Boemann

On Feb. 24, 2012, 2:22 p.m., Elvis Stansvik wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 24, 2012, 2:22 p.m.)
> Review request for Calligra and C. Boemann.
> Description
> -------
> State of things before the patch:
> Changing properties of a paragraph style does not update
> paragraphs with the corresponding style. The problem was
> that in libs/kotext/styles/ChangeFollower.cpp, the block
> format was simply not set.
> This patch:
> - Adds frameBlockFormat()/setFrameBlockFormat() to
>   KoTextDocument (analog to the existing
>   frameCharFormat()/setFrameCharFormat()). The setter is
>   called from KoTextLoader.
> - Changes ChangeFollower::collectNeededInfo(...) to also
>   collect
>     blockParentFormat
>       The block format of the frame.
>     blockDirectFormat
>       The block format that was due to direct
>       paragraph formatting.
>     blockParentCharFormat
>       The char format of the frame.
>     blockDirectCharFormat
>       The char format that was due to direct
>       paragraph formatting.
>   into its Memento instance.
> - Changes ChangeFollower::processUpdates to apply the
>   aggregation of parent (frame) format + paragraph style
>   + direct formatting to the block (likewise for char
>   formatting properties).
> State of things after the patch:
> Changing properties of a paragraph style in the Style
> Manager will now update paragraphs in the document. If
> local paragraph formatting has been added, it is left
> alone.
> Things that were broken before and still are:
> o The character properties in the Paragraph Format
>   dialog (direct formatting) have no effect.
> o The Line Spacing combo in the Paragraph Format
>   dialog (direct formatting) has no effect (Use
>   Font Metrics checkbox and Minimum spinbox works
>   though).
> I believe these two are bugs elsewhere. I'll take a
> look at it.
> Diffs
> -----
>   libs/kotext/KoTextDocument.h 56f55e6 
>   libs/kotext/KoTextDocument.cpp 5608860 
>   libs/kotext/commands/ChangeStylesCommand.cpp b9fa725 
>   libs/kotext/opendocument/KoTextLoader.cpp 3ea7109 
>   libs/kotext/styles/ChangeFollower.h 8551801 
>   libs/kotext/styles/ChangeFollower.cpp 38aaf8d 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> - Typed in two paragraphs of text with the style Standard.
> - Changed things such as Left Indent, Alignment et.c. in
>   the Standard style and made sure the paragraphs updated.
> - Opened the Paragraph Format dialog for direct formatting
>   and overrided some properties.
> - Opened the Standard style again and made sure changing
>   the style properties wouldn't override the direct
>   formatting.
> Thanks,
> Elvis Stansvik

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