CDR import - map to what format?

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Fri Feb 10 14:51:34 GMT 2012

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
<kossebau at>wrote:

> Hi,
> so I have been progressing a little bit with the CDR import filter, I know
> more and more about the format. Still not enough to render the first
> things in
> their place, but e.g. I can now access all raw text, both from graphic text
> objects as block text objects.
> I also turned to stream some SVG as output from the filter, as I could not
> create a Karbon working-memory document directly without many hacks.
> Just, I have found out now that mapping to SVG as a native Karbon format
> does
> not really work, without losing information. In CDR possible, but not
> Karbon:
> * multiple pages
> * text block element (non-graphic text)
> * rectangles have more properties than svg rectangle shape¹
> * objects can be auto-updated clones
>  (not yet seen, just remember this feature)
> ¹
> free-software-gets-another-chance (section "The hard part")
> So what do I do about that? For the rectangles I would have guessed I could
> try to write a custom shape which supports all those properties.

Odg does already have a custom shape that could do that. It's already in
Calligra as the EnhancedPathShape.
That allows to have a shape based on a formula and custom handles.
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