Commence implementation of solution to bug 297623

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Fri Aug 31 08:29:12 BST 2012

Right, this really is a high priority bug. But I think that only Thomas Pfeiffer and Boemann really have any insight on what was decided at Akademy. I haven't seen any write-up yet? Thomas, could you help Pentalis?

On Thursday 30 August 2012 Aug, JL VT wrote:
> "Commence implementation of solution to bug 297623" (the bug about our
> Stroke and Fill Docker)
> Greetings everybody!
> To start a discussion, I poked Ingwa channel about this in IRC, and we held
> a brief conversation with he and Boemann.
> A summary of our conversation would be: This was discussed throughly at
> Akademy, and the design for the solution is already done, implementation is
> what's missing.
> I want to help turning this design into a reality so, please, would you
> channel any discussion and design documents related to that bug to this
> thread?, I want to know exactly how the solution is meant to work.
> Thank you for reading
> ~Pentalis
> Transcript below for reference:
> <Pentalis> ingwa:
> <Pentalis> ingwa: do you think we can team up to find a solution for that
> bug?
> <ingwa> Actually there was an extended workshop at Akademy to design that.
> <ingwa> Boemann took over as the driver but we agree on how to do it.
>  Thomas Pfeiffer is also on board.
> <ingwa> Pentalis: But your help would be awesome
> <Pentalis> ingwa: how can I help?
> <boemann> i'm not working on that one yet, so feel free to implement
> <ingwa> talk with boemann and thomas and see how far they have gotten.
> <ingwa> boemann: ok
> <ingwa> boemann: where did all the designs we did in Tallinn go?
> <boemann> I have a photo of the whitebard
> <boemann> board
> <ingwa> Pentalis: In my opinion that bug is the most important usability
> improvement we have to do.
> <ingwa> So it would be good if you wrote a mail to the ML saying "we want
> to start this effort now".
> <boemann> i've so far been busy with the tool interaction changes
> <ingwa> And we should put that picture on some website.
> <ingwa> boemann: yeah
> <Pentalis> ingwa: I agree that it is a very important usability
> improvement, that dialog is used by all Calligra applications
> <ingwa> dialog_s_ even.
> <Pentalis> Well then, I'm going to write to the Calligra mailing list

Boudewijn Rempt,,

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