Calligra Author's GUI

Inge Wallin inge at
Wed Aug 15 16:09:02 BST 2012

On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 14:27:07 Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> Hi,
> It's nice we're reaching new users!
> The first question that pops up for me is: will we try to depart from
> the KDE4 UI style for Calligra Author to make it non-intrusive and
> pleasant?
> Or at least in some full-screen mode?
> See what I mean:

We have that already.  under the View menu you will find full-screen mode.

If you want something in between you can toggle the dockers with ctrl-h

> Many of them are real killers at being non-intrusive.
> For a discussion on this aspect please see
> ry/

What you have to remember is that the writing itself is only one aspect of the 
writing process. I read an essay by a novelist saying that it takes about 40% 
of the total time to create a novel. Editing takes another 40% and 20% is 
planning of what to actually write if I remember correctly. Our goal is to 
support all phases of the writing process up until publishing. In the light of 
that, a full-screen mode is a pretty minor thing.

> Do we have a brainstorm wiki page for Author already?

No, but I'm going to open one tonight.

> On a technical side if the maintainers decide to go this way, that
> would be of course another showcase for flexibility of the codebase...
> As it's a new app and we could target KDE 5 (whatever it's going to
> be), not KDE 4.

I'm going to target Calligra 2.6 already for the first release. Of course that 
version will only have 1 or 2 major features that is not in Calligra Words 

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