better presentation of spellcheck suggestions in context menu

Franz Fellner at
Wed Aug 15 11:40:42 BST 2012


ATM suggestions are hidden in a submenu. I personally find it hard to handle.
It would be easier if suggestions could be presented directly at the beginning 
of the popup menu, not in a submenu at the bottom of the popup.
The current implementation does not allow that in an easy way, because the 
popup menu is static. (set via KoToolBase::setPopupActionList())

For the spellcheck-plugin, it woul be enough to add something like 
"setPrependActionList" or the like. But being able to append actions could be 
nice, too. Having something like "insertActionListAfter(QAction*, 
QList<QAction*>)" could be too much, but if there is a usecase, it should be 
possible, too.

Having append could be used by the spellckecker, too: if there is no 
selection, prepend suggestions, otherwise append them. If there is a 
selection, the user probably only wants to copy/cut/delte/... it (hence 
presenting the appropriate actions on top), but if he notices a misspelled 
word in a selection, having the possibility to check spelling within a 
selection makes sense (doing spell checking within a selection does not work 
ATM, I just mentioned it to illustrate usability of appendActions).

If you like the idea of moving suggestions out of the submenu, I will try to 
implement it.

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