Input for ODF plugfest/TC call

Thorsten Zachmann t.zachmann at
Wed Apr 25 04:20:05 BST 2012


On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 23:57:54 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> I also tried to get it with the viewBox but failed (was a few weeks ago).
> Rereading the sentence "The geometry is horizontally centered." in
> "16.40.8  <draw:marker>" left me thinking that the spec indeed does not
> demand that the y-axis of the viewBox is to be taken as center, but
> instead to take the middle of the actual shape.

I would say that might be a bug all odf implementors have. For me this looks 
like parts of the svg spec has been taken here. Maybe you can check how 
different svg renderer handle this. However for me it looks like the viewbox 
might do the trick.

> Looking at the existing default marker shapes those are indeed all not 
> centered around the y-axis of the viewBox, so changing the code to take
> the  viewBox y-axis into account would break for the existing markers, no?
> So that would need another solution.

No I don't think that would be needed as for the current markers the viewBox 
is as big as the markers so the center of the marker is at the center of the 
viewBox. When making the viewBox twice the width of the marker and placing the 
marker on one side it should do the trick.


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